How bloody average is Alexandra Burke?!

I can't help wondering how damn average this girl is? She doesn't have the most amazing voice in the world and her dancing is slightly 'drunk stripper 'esque' - so I guess what I'm trying to say is... Do we really need her?

I mean, Leona was something else - and we can't knock the vocals on 'Bleeding Love', but then again, her personality is something which is lacking if we are to believe the press.

Alexandra is a pretty giggly funny 'u can have a laugh with anyone' kinda girl - and one which I don't find cringe worthy. But her music just ain't cutting it for me - not anything like the stuff Beyonce, Ciara, Rihanna, Shakira and others are pumping out.

Oh well, it's a catchy song and something you can watch on GMTV whilst having your corn flakes.
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